Adding your story to this site helps build faith in others. Your stories encourage others to seek the Lord for themselves (Matthew 7:7). Keep in mind... at any altar, you must sacrifice all of yourself for the Glory of God. Keep this in mind as you author your stories. Keep the attention on God and avoid focusing on yourselves - unless it brings glory to God.
If you need help authoring your stories, please contact us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email.
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 10:39 (ESV)
Excerpt from a fellow brother-in-Christ:
"Many Christians confuse the term "take up your cross and follow [Him]". They think that the way to achieve this act is to sacrifice oneself to God's ways, or to lay aside our ways and take up the ways of God instead. However, this is not true sacrifice. Laying aside one’s own ways is important, and so is adopting God's ways. But, until we learn and enact God's meaning of "sacrifice", we will struggle immensely and fail every time to do this incredible thing Jesus asked of us. Sacrifice involves laying down our entire life (mind, will, emotions, soul) to God Himself without any expectation of a return on investment, not just getting rid of our ways in favor of His ways."