This story is here only to explain why this website exists and what to do next. Unlike my other stories, it does not provide physical evidence of His handiwork in our lives. That is not to say God does not play a role in this story. Only that, given time, we shall see whether what He is doing will be of substantial consequence to those who read this. This story tells of the direction the Lord has set our ministry on at this time.
I am a gifted worker for the worries of this world. I possess wisdom and understanding about management, professionalism, and work ethic. However, in the work of the Kingdom of God, I belong with the lowest of the working stock.
I neglect to do what my Supervisor asks on a regular basis, even when the opportunity to succeed is nearly spoon fed to me. Out of laziness, fear, or some other sinful reason, I willingly take little part in the "Great Commission". My excuses are always of a worldly mindset. Much like my children, I complain that I'm too tired, it's too much, I don't know how, my stomach/head/big toe hurts, I'm hungry...
In the Kingdom, I have not made myself useful. I am like the guy I once hired who shows up to work when he feels like it, takes resources from the company, is an altogether nice guy, but doesn't fully exercise the training he has received...
You get the picture.
So, I have repented, and now I am attempting a new tact: ask the Lord, my Supervisor, what He needs me to do each day. Instead of coming to work grudgingly, come with the same work ethic and attitude I put into my physical work life. With my entire self, attempt to complete the tasks, giving them a hearty try. When all else fails, at least do my best, and then fully attempt to learn from the experience with a mind to both make up and make right.
One night I expressed this sentiment to my wife. I suggested we both seek the Lord's counsel together to figure out what He wants us to focus on - what are our current "marching orders" so-to-speak.
As I began praying, and before I finished, we both had distinct impressions on our hearts. We knew God was ready to actively answer our prayers. My wife was given the direct order to focus on instructing our boys about God and the Bible - both in our everyday lives and through their education. I was instructed to get a Bible for my wife from our bookshelf, give it to my wife, and let her open it to the message God had for me. She did so and landed on the verse that directs the newly freed demon possessed man to go and tell his friends and family what Jesus had done for him (Mark 5:19). If I remember correctly, when she got to that page, her eyes were drawn to the only red letters on that page. She told me she knew this was what God wanted to tell me to do.
Since this event, I have told many of the stories you will find on this website to many people - and will continue to do so. I am not a great orator of stories, so when I am telling the stories, God provides the words to express them in ways the hearers would receive. However, I have always been a writer. It is my primary and preferred means of expression. What's more, God has blessed the time I have spent authoring these stories. He gave me direction, opportunity, and continues to provide the words to express.
He helped me fashion this website and has guided the direction and "branding" of it. I did not know it's purpose as I began building it. I only had the idea of building a simple blog to share our stories. However, it appears that God wants it to be a place for anyone to share their own stories to glorify Him. As time allows, I also plan to interview others and compose their stories for them.
Until I had collected all our stories together on this website, I had not noticed the life markers designed by God to guide and direct us in a way we respond to - getting us to where we are now.
Previous markers have not yet been published that apply.
God guided my wife and I to move our family using Biblical passages about David wanting to build a temple to honor God
God directed us to buy a house, for the purpose of building faith in people, using Biblical passages about Solomon having built a temple for God's honor and glory to be upon.
God miraculously healed my wife of issues she has had her entire life in this home.
God introduced Himself to us firsthand within this home.
God continually provides evidence of His presence to my children in this home.
Our third (and hopefully final) son was conceived and named by God Himself in this home.
By God's direction, we began sponsoring a child through Compassion International.
God instructed my wife to focus on our children and their lives/faith. God told me to focus on telling others about our personal stories that glorify Him.